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Future of True Web


joshfueled is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Now it is a good point in time to state that I am not a web developer. I've made this website and hosted it just to see how it works and what the possibilities are. I am not sure if it will be something meaninful in the future. I would be glad to see some random stumblers visiting this website, creating an account and write some things on forums or something, but for that I need to really make a statement about the future of True…

New Administrator


joshfueled is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

Ampedeath is now another administrator. He will change this website for the better. Forever. Whenever.
Having this as a shared project will truly improve this place.

What's next?


joshfueled is in the usergroup ‘Administrators’

  • Posted 31st December 2024, 8:39 pm
  • By joshfueled

It is really cool and all, but I'm still not really sure what should I use this website for. Clicking around, changing settings and stuff is not really enough to make something meaningful. I will get into learning about this web-engine and see what my possibilities are!

I can also make text small and red

Older news

30th December 2024, 10:12 am Website #1 0 comments